Penerapan Supervisi Klinis Dengan Pendekatan Lesson Study Melalui Zoom Meeting Dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru Di UPTD SD Negeri 02 Suayan Kecamatan Akabiluru


  • Sesnita Sesnita UPTD SD NEGERI 02 SUAYAN



Lesson Study, Zoom Meeting, Clinical Supervision, Teacher Professionalism


The purpose of this study was to determine whether clinical supervision with a Lesson Study approach through Zoom Meeting can improve the professionalism of UPTD SD Negeri 02 Suayan teachers in Akabiluru District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. This research is a School Action Research (PTS). The research was conducted at UPTD SD Negeri 02 Suayan, Akabiluru District. The subjects in this study were 7 teachers consisting of 6 class teachers and 1 religion teacher. The results showed an increase in: a) teacher activity in attending meetings increased in cycle II to 79.59 (b) teacher attitudes in participating in teaching simulation activities to 81.45; c) Making Learning Implementation Plans (RPP) obtained a score of 80.95. So it can be concluded that Clinical Supervision with a Lesson Study approach through Zoom Meeting can improve the professionalism of UPTD SD Negeri 02 Suayan teachers in Akabiluru District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency.


