Peningkatan Penguatan Karakter Dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Tema Energi Dan Perubahannya Melalui Pendekatan Saintifik Model Project Based Learning Metode Pemberian Tugas Di Kelas III SDN 06 Kubang Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022


  • Ratna Juita



Character Strengthening, Learning Outcomes, Scientific Approach, Project Based Learning Model


This study aims to determine the improvement of Character Strengthening and Student Learning Outcomes through a Scientific Approach Project Based Learning Model Method of Giving Assignments in Mathematics Subjects with Energy Themes and Its Changes in Class III Even Semester SDN 06 Kubang Academic Year 2021/2022. This research is a Classroom Action Research which consists of two cycles, where each cycle consists of; planning, action, observation, and reflection. It was carried out from February to April 2022. The data was processed in each cycle and then analyzed using percentages. The results obtained from this study are by using a scientific approach to the Project Based Learning model, the assignment method can improve character strengthening and student learning outcomes. This is evident from the increase in the strengthening of the learning character of pre-cycle students, which is 33%, the first cycle is 67%, and the second cycle is 100%, for the mastery of knowledge learning outcomes increased from the pre-cycle 74.00 with the percentage of completion 33%, the first cycle 78.50 with a percentage of 83%, and the second cycle 89.33 with a percentage of 100% For mastery learning skills, namely pre-cycle 73.00 with a percentage of 50%, the first cycle of 77.50 the rate of 67% and the second cycle of 89.50 the percentage of 100 %. The conclusion obtained from this study is that the use of a scientific approach to the project-based learning model of the assignment method can improve character strengthening and student learning outcomes


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