Desain Lembar Kerja Siswa Pada Materi Lingkaran Berbasis Realistic Mathematic Education
Development, Realistic Mathematic Education, Work SheetAbstract
This is the background of the research by necessary of teaching materials in the learning process. The teaching materials that apply are able of guiding students in the learning process and it hind a concept that also after to train which appropriate with level of student's ability. The teaching materials that exist are not whole to guide students to find a concept yet. Therefore, it is developed of LKS design based on RME and intended to the facility for students, this research aims to know the validity and practicality of LKS based on RME. Kind of the research and development (R&D), used model 4-D which consists of 4 stages. They are define, design, develop, and disseminate. However, this research is limited just to conduct until the development stage. The validity of LKS has 72,92% with a valid category. Based on the practicality of the questionnaire from a teacher 82,19% with very practice category. The result of practicality of questionnaire from students has 90,88% with very practice category. Therefore, LKS design on circle material based on RME at second grade of SMPN 4 in Lubuk Alung has valid and practice.
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